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            The Smile Is About To Make Its Debut in Portugal
            Author:Editor by Jing LI    From: 2022-3-18 16:47:29
            On March 4, 2022, the air conditioner for Portugal Porto tram project made by KING successfully passed the first inspection of CRRC Tangshan Co., LTD. This project is the first urban rail project of CRRC in the European Union and a sister program of Montreal project in Canada, belonging to the "Smile" train system.
            The air conditioners used in Porto project are the first variable-frequency heat pump air conditioning project of King in Europe, and also the first project to adopt piston compressors on rail transit variable-frequency heat pump air conditioning. Each train is equipped with two types of air conditioning units, A and B, two for each type, in which unit A integrates two air conditioning modules into one separately used for saloon and cab, making full use of roof space and achieving lightweight design.

            The air conditioner for Porto tram project is lighter, saver and more efficient, which makes King go a further step towards the "double carbon" target.

            Editor by Jing LI
            Text: Hongyan FAN, Guanglu YU
            Photograph: Guanglu YU
